Utility includes some mini popular bioinformatics analysis tools written in javascript or applet.
If you know some other applications which are pretty useful, please
some advice at your free time.
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BioverseViewerV2(applet) An enhanced Java graph applet interface for visualizing interactomes of Bioverse interaction database
Dotlet(applet) Dotlet is a program for comparing sequences by the diagonal plot method
GlycanBuilder(applet) A fast, intuitive and flexible software tool for building and displaying glycan structures
Vimida(applet) A Java-applet for Visualization of Microarray Data using linear and non-linear principal components analysis (PCA)
Sequence Manipulation Suite
Sequence Analysis
codon_plot(js) Plots codon frequency (according to the codon table you enter) for each codon in a DNA sequence.
ident_sim(js) Accepts aligned sequences in FASTA format and calculates the identity and similarity of each sequence pair.
multi_rev_trans(js) Can be used to predict a DNA sequence in another species using a protein sequence alignment.
orf_find(js) Determines the positions of open reading frames.
pcr_products(js) Generates PCR products from a template and two primer sequences.
protein_gravy(js) Returns the grand average of hydropathy value of protein sequences.
protein_iep(js) Returns the predicted isoelectric point of protein sequences.
protein_mw(js) Calculates the molecular weight of the protein you enter.
rest_digest(js) Converts the sequence you enter into restriction fragments.
translate(js) Returns the translation in the reading frame you specify.
Sequence Figures
group_dna(js) Numbers and groups DNA according to your specifications.
primer_map(js) Shows PCR primer annealing sites, translations, and restriction sites.
rest_map(js) Shows restriction sites and protein translations.
Format Conversion
embl_fasta(js) Returns the entire sequence contained in an EMBL file in FASTA format.
embl_feat(js) Parses the feature table of an EMBL file and returns the feature sequences.
embl_trans(js) Parses the feature table of an EMBL file and returns the protein translations.
genbank_fasta(js) Returns the entire sequence contained in a GenBank file in FASTA format.
genbank_feat(js) Parses the feature table of a GenBank file and returns the feature sequences.
genbank_trans(js) Parses the feature table of a GenBank file and returns the protein translations.
rev_comp(js) Determines the reverse-complement, reverse, or complement of the sequence you enter.
Random Sequences
random_dna(js) Generates a random DNA sequence of the length you specify.
webmol(applet) WebMol was designed to display and analyze structural information contained in the Protein Data Bank (PDB).
- http://bioinfo-out.curie.fr/projects/vimida/
- A. Ceroni, A. Dell & S.M. Haslam. The GlycanBuilder: a fast, intuitive and flexible software tool for building and displaying glycan structures. Source Code Biol Med 2007; 2: 3.
- M. Clamp, J. Cuff, S.M. Searle & G.J. Barton. The Jalview Java alignment editor. Bioinformatics 2004; 20: 426-7.
- D. Walther. WebMol--a Java-based PDB viewer. Trends Biochem Sci 1997; 22: 274-5.
- P. Stothard. The sequence manipulation suite: JavaScript programs for analyzing and formatting protein and DNA sequences. Biotechniques 2000; 28: 1102, 1104.
- T. Junier & M. Pagni. Dotlet: diagonal plots in a web browser. Bioinformatics 2000; 16: 178-9.
- A.N. Chang, J. McDermott & R. Samudrala. An enhanced Java graph applet interface for visualizing interactomes. Bioinformatics 2005; 21: 1741-2.